Sunday, May 25, 2014

My Journey to Prison

10k run with your dog for CC

Doctors For Equal Rights For Mental And Physical Pain  8409 Carlynn Dr., Bethesda, MD 20817 cell: 202-320-6176

       Dr. Prisoners 
             6 Doctors 1 Dead 4 Wounded 1 Now Musician ;
                             How About Ethics And Constitution?

 What :    Atrocities endured by 6 pain doctors told through a short documentary  and personal reflections to be followed by a panel discussion of  multidisciplinary scholars moderated by Distinguished McKnight Professor Emeritus James H Fetzer at the University of Minnesota Duluth.
                                                         Come down the yet this is the latest one
Where : National Press Club , 529 14th St. NW. Washington DC

When :  7 PM  May 27, 2014
  Panel discussion by multidisciplinary scholars will address cruel and inhumane punishment inflicted upon Drs Mirczak(dead) ,Salerian(involuntary commitment to a prison psychiatric ward , bankrupt) Deluca (now musician,)Hurwitz (blind in one eye ,7 years in prison ) Cheek (in prison) Ziscovici(fractured face ,bankrupt).

Panelists: Prof. Fetzer Dr. Deluca Dr  Salerian  Chris deBettencourt attorney, , Kathryn May Washington Psychiatric Society  Rabbi Rabinowitz Father Karapetian reporter Earl Cole .

*Discussion will exclude legal issues

        Doctors For Equal Rights For Mental And Physical Pain  8409 Carlynn Dr., Bethesda, MD 20817 cell: 202-320-6176

                My Farewell Request

      On May 28, 2014 in violation of my constitutional rights I will be involuntarily committed to a mental asylum at  FMC Butner( N.C.) of Federal Bureau of Prisons.  My court ordered imprisonment for involuntary psychiatric hospitalization  will occur without a trial and  against the medical opinion of my board-certified psychiatrist  that hospitalization is  both unnecessary and harmful.
      I believe in the Hippocratic Oath ,the sanctity of  doctor-patient relationship and in our Constitution. Those beliefs are worth fighting for and are far more important than my imprisonment.
    Please end text messages, emails , voicemails with “CC” (Cherish Constitution) to express solidarity til I’m free.

          Alen J Salerian MD

  You may  send $10 per month to my family to complement my SS income  during my imprisonment.

Judith Salerian
8409 Carlynn Dr., Bethesda, MD 20817
or credit card name------------------
cc #............................. expiration …………..
security code:………

Of it


        Doctors For Equal Rights For Mental And Physical Pain  8409 Carlynn Dr., Bethesda, MD 20817 cell: 202-320-6176

    How you can help during my imprisonment

Visit my blog:
twitter DrAlenSalerian
End text messages emails and voicemails with CC to express solidarity until I'm free.
Boycott CVS stores for inhumane and unlawful refusal to honor valid prescriptions  written by some pain doctors.  Question the president of CVS  Complaint Hotline. Or, call 415-777-9635 Complaint Hotline and ask why CVS refused to honor prescriptions written by Alen J Salerian MD in 2010.
Support or participate in first Washington Monument 10 K run with your dog for CC on May 23, 2015.
Tell your family friends and representatives about Dr. prisoners 1 Dead, 1 wounded, and 1 now musician.

 You may  send $10 per month to my family to complement my SS income  during my imprisonment.

Judith Salerian
8409 Carlynn Dr., Bethesda, MD 20817
or credit card name_________________________________