Friday, November 29, 2019

Let Me Paint Oceans

Let Me Paint Oceans

Let me sleep in a room
Where I could dream
Let me travel jungles
That never sleep
Let me paint oceans
Titanium white
Dolphins always dancing
Humans listen
Men hear sounds
No fake news or conquests
To the moon and beyond
Of course
I may dismiss the news
Only paint rocks and oceans

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

discover vravrona poem

Paris in V,Salerian AJ ,OIL PAINT ON MARBLE

Discover Vravrona

V my dream
Where all fish smile
Dolphins dance by white waves
Red roses bloom
And when rusty rocks
White sand
Yellow orange rocks
The light blue boat
Say welcome home
I say
Touch me  hug me more
I am V
V is Grace
V is us
One flower one pebble one stone at a time