Monday, February 29, 2016


I Am The Messenger

Please no guns or blood
Clouds of violent smoke
I am the messenger
Only the messenger
Shoot me
Shoot me only if
And only if
You read my poems
Our American vision
Tiny bit distorted
Tiny and huge
False realities
No more free press
Suffocating doctors
Undercover men
Decaying from within
Dying not knowing why
Shoot me kill me now

I am your messenger

Sandy Hook Massacre: Man-Made Delusions Academia And The Main Media

     Sandy Hook Massacre: Man-Made Delusions Academia And The Main Media

   Two great Americans Pres. Jimmy Carter and Paul Craig Roberts the former editor of the Wall Street Journal have recently warned us about the erosion of democracy in America. President Carter observed ”Nowadays America is an oligarchy “. Roberts said “When a small number of interest groups own the main media we lose freedom, democracy and human rights”.
   Roberts further explained that we Americans live in a false reality created by orchestrated events because the main media has lost its ability to seriously investigate major mishaps that form our national opinions. He cites many examples including 911, Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction and the alleged Sandy Hook massacre.
    From a psychiatric perspective a false reality is a man-made mass delusion. Reality is fixed. There is only one reality. To validate a reality one must rely on scientific methods and what physics define as eigenvalues - not easily observable influences that exist- such as air or gravity.
   In totalitarian systems it is possible to control scientific institutions and media to reinforce man-made false delusions. In America perhaps the most obvious example of this toxic main media – academic collusion to support a man-made delusion was observed in the creation of The Sandy Hook Massacre Delusion in Newtown Connecticut on December 14, 2012.
From the very beginning something did not feel right about the alleged massacre committed by an autistic young man. The  claims had too many obvious inconsistencies such as in general autistics are quiet, shy, awkward people not prone to violence, a young man by himself killing 26 people in five minutes and injuring only one, the chief medical examiner claiming he performed seven autopsies in eight hours etc..
  Then ,came the findings of 13 researchers (seven of whom were PhD's) offering scientific evidence of a major  staged event with active participation of dozens of crisis actors. It was funny and not so funny to learn that David Wheeler an accomplished Hollywood actor who played in “Faithful” 2001 now feigning as a victimized father of a fictional dead child.
     None of the above mattered for the main media or five distinguished professors of psychiatry (mostly Yale faculty). They continued to promote this man made mass delusion of the Sandy Hook massacre.

     The good news is it will be easier for the five professors of psychiatry to realize their error by simply honoring the current principles of evidence-based medicine. The main media does not seem to have such a guideline.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

I indict Dr. Thomas Freiden Of Crimes Against Humanity

       I indict Dr. Thomas Frieden

    Of Crimes Against Humanity

  I indict Dr. Thomas Frieden because of the consistent false CDC claims harmful to people with chronic pain and mental illness.I also  indict  Dr. Frieden for his failure to address the suicide epidemic killing  over 40,000 people every year in America..
   For many years CDC has been creating a hostile environment for patients with chronic pain and mental illness by two grossly misleading claims: prescription pain medications are responsible for epidemics of heroine addiction and overdose deaths. These claims have no scientific basis and rely upon misrepresenting associations as causations. CDC consistently fails to address major problems facing Americans with mental illness and chronic pain.
Salerian AJ, Human errors may explain an epidemic of overdose deaths, Journal Of Psychology And Clinical Psychiatry January 2016.

Adam My Second Cousin For Brian Doyle MD Richard Gerber MD

Adam My Second Cousin
For Brian Doyle MD Richard  Gerber MD

The very bad news
You no longer my healer
No more gluing my brain
Damaged pieces
What can I say
Nothing to say
Except thanks
And apologies for revealing
Some bad things
Adam my second cousin
Accused of a mean massacre
He did not
Adam was with me
Outside  your office
Waiting to see you
On December 14, 2012
You the key witness
I understand
Your fear
Fear is the enemy
Fear kills you
You taught me
I thank you for that

note: Adam Lanza was declared to be the young autistic boy responsible for a fictional massacre in Newtown Connecticut on December 14, 2012.

An open letter to psychiatrists Gerber and Doyle

                                    Doctors For Equal Rights For Physical And Mental Pain
                                                                8409 Carlynn Dr. Bethesda, MD   20817                
                         Founding members Siobhan Reynolds Kevin Byer Vanessa Mullin
                                    Alen J Saleran Solange MacArthur

Richard Gerber MD, Washington DC
Brian Doyle M.D., Washington DC

February 28, 2016

       Dear Richard and Brian
      I'm sorry to let you know that I will not be able to honor your request not to be informed of the assault on psychiatry.  This is because once you were my  teachers who taught me the Hippocratic oath.
    People with mental illness and your colleagues need you at a time when evidence-based medicine and due process  are under siege because of unethical laws to fight   imaginary drug wars.
   I understand you may not realize that a  Connecticut psychiatrist has been imprisoned- without due process for prescribing controlled substances-for six months. You may not realize that our wonderful colleague John Mirczak M.D. who practiced psychiatry in Washington DC for 40 years died suddenly after his practice was shut down without due process.
    It is also possible you may not know that Sandy Hook massacre  is a man-made delusion that portrays an autistic young boy as a mass murderer. Thanks to the extraordinary research by the authors of  no one died at Sandy Hook (seven professors and six researchers)  the  organized deception  o this grotesque staged event became publicly known
I still hope you will join me on the 18th to say thank you to Prof. Fetzer and Tracy.
Thank you with best regards.

Alen J Salerian MD