Sunday, December 18, 2016

The Heroin Epidemic And The Criminalization Of Pain Medicine And Psychiatry*

The Heroin Epidemic And The Criminalization Of Pain Medicine And Psychiatry*

§  20,000 ruined physicians .
§  $ 4 billion confiscated physician assets benefiting DEA and local law enforcement.
§  $40 billion income generation for attorneys .
§  Suicide epidemic . 45.000 annual deaths (2015).
§  Heroine od death epidemic .12.900 deaths (2015).
§  Burdensome regulations for 130 million people with psychiatric disorders and chronic pain.
§  Blaming the victim (people with chronic pain and psychiatric problems) to justify harsher treatment of the victims and their physicians.
*DOJ does not provide specific data on physician forfeitures, arrests and prosecution for drug related crimes in the course of clinical practice. The above findings are conservative projections based upon CDC vital statistics and publications listed in the references .


Who are benefiting from the war on drugs and doctors ? DEA and law enforcement agencies.

Who are losing? People with pain and psychiatric problems.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Happy birthday My Friend Jim H Fetzer

  Happy birthday My Friend Jim H Fetzer 

 Today is the birthday of an American treasure, professor James H Fetzer , a brave voice of reason  and integrity  . I salute Jim’s extraordinary spirit to expose organized deceptions, the moon landing hoax, 911, Sandy Hook , the assassination of JFK etc.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

When The War Came

When The War Came

When the war came to my village
I was not young
When the war came
A doctor I had been
Unfamiliar with the war
The big war of life
And the small war on doctors

When the war came to my home
 I was brave
A physician
A pupil of Hippocrates
Loved healing
The art of healing
 Had passion
Naïve youthful passion

After the war left my home
I paint a lot
Draw paintings of pain
Write a few brave words
Scarred fingers talking
Silent aches I can’t see
Poems and paintings
Thickened skin
Vestiges of war
Gifts of life
Life is Hippocrates

Not remembering wars