Wednesday, November 22, 2017

brain calendar 2018


 One less present to worry about  during the holiday season.

Order 2018 The brain 120 calendar; this is an  unusual calendar teaches  how your brain works and how  you can be nice to her. click

Thanks and happy holidays and 2018

Alen J Salerian

Saturday, November 4, 2017



                                                            Alen J Salerian MD

 For some time ,  Centers For Disease Control And  Prevention  has been broadcasting a message : Prescription pain medications have caused an epidemic of deaths and illicit use of heroin .This CDC claim is scientifically   feeble.

     Science says complex psychosocial influences and irrational governmental policies have caused the increasing overdose deaths.

  US has an epidemic of chronic psychiatric disorders, pain and suicide.  The number of suicide victims have consistently risen in the past 10 years  reaching  44,000 fatalities or 13 deaths per 100.000 population. Conservative estimates place the number of Americans with chronic pain at an all time high of  80 million.

   Millions of Americans in need of   prescription medications for pain, addiction and depression have suffered immensely because of discriminatory regulations  restricting easy access to treatment.
Draconian restrictions of prescription pain medications and treating pain doctors as criminals have triggered  the rise  in  drug related fatalities.
 Should we be surprised if high blood pressure related deaths   surge  upon regulations restricting easy access to  anti- hypertensive  medications ?
  Discrimination against people with psychiatric disorders go back to ancient times.  
   I am saddened by an ugly reality  : Today not only discrimination against people with mental problems remains alive  ,but it is vigorously  promoted  by CDC.

Listening to Armstrong,Salerian poem

Listening to Armstrong
For Jim Fetzer

I wish and I wish
I wish no pregnancy
No smart kids
No blue waters
Hearing Armstrong chant
“What a wonderful world”
Life with no schools
Mother daring fear
Baba praising Bach
Not understanding love
Until that black sky
Mesmerized masses
Armstrong mooning the Earth
Me all goose bumps
Those surreal flickering images
A huge American flag
Furiously waving
Teasing taunting us
Never once I questioned
Why  my chest pumped hard
Why a furious flag
Never knowing
People joy dreams
More than sex
Money instead of love
Churches over God
Fiction than truth
Till my sister whispered
“Baba is Santa

 Lord mad at furious flag”