Future Questions About the Pandemic
Alen J Salerian MD
When your home is on fire, put the fire out before you ask any questions.
However, as this madness or menace or virus called coronavirus rages on I kept thinking “why”?
Sooner or later the virus will be dead and cooler heads will prevail to raise intelligent questions.
In due time I would like to ask ;
1. Why did in 2015 the Italian state owned media company Rai – Radiotelevisione Italiana, report that China was in the process of developing corona virus for military use? The video, which was broadcast in November, 2015, showed how Chinese scientists were doing biological experiments on a SARS connected virus believed to be Coronavirus, derived from bats and mice. (1)
2. How did the New England Journal of Medicine publish a very complex molecular study about Corona virus on January 24, 2020? This article written by 18 Chinese authors, should have -even on fast track -taken at least a month and possibly longer to be published (2).
3. How did a German a biotech firm Bioscientia Healthcare, manage to develop a diagnostic test for coronavirus before January 15, 2020?(3).
Taken individually, each occurrence maybe attributed to intelligent anticipation yet is it possible that they were all related to advanced knowledge of an upcoming catastrophic event?
2. Zhu N,et al.(2020),A Novel Coronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia in China, 2019
N Engl J Med ; 382:727-733.