And Cooler Body Temperature Prolong
The same physical laws that govern the
universe and nonliving things also govern living things. This is why the
influences that accelerate or delay decay of nonliving things become crucial for all
living things.
Cars, airplanes, houses, bridges age . Their slow death comes through
decay, a chemical process of oxidation. In general it is true that higher
temperatures accelerate oxidation, decay and death. The same seems to be true
for lower pH (higher acidity) environments.
Human body and brain function are also subject
to the physical laws and physical influences.
Brain function is highly sensitive to temperature, pH . In general influences that accelerate
degenerative processes-lower pH and higher temperature – contribute to accelerated degeneration and premature
brain death.
The good news is, the opposite, cooler body temperature and higher pH promoted
by alkaline diets seem to slow down body- brain degeneration and thus prolong
How do you lower body temperature? Physical fitness. Intense
cardiovascular exercise.
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