Sunday, April 14, 2019

Salerian and JFK

         Salerian JFK Publications and Exhibitions

·      Medical Hypotheses  2008. Pres. Kennedy’s postmortem examination is invalid.
·      American College of Forensic Psychiatry Annual Meeting ,San Diego California March 22, 2009.  Oswald did not kill Kennedy; forensic evidence*.
·      Women’s Democratic Club, Washington DC , JFK The Magnificent Journey ;painting  exhibition November 2009**.
·      Dallas Daley Plaza JFK , The Magnificent Journey ; painting exhibition May 2010***
·      Medical Hypotheses 2011, Pres. Kennedy’s death; neurotoxin assisted****.
·       JFK: The Magnificent Journey, Salerian books,Amazon, 2015.
·       From JFK to Sandyhook,Salerian books,Amazon , 2016.
·      DemocracIa  Interview; Athens Greece, February 2018,    Lyndon Johnson participated in the death of Pres. Kennedy*****.

 Mishaps :

* presentation was cut short,  press conference an interview with Independent  were canceled.
** Nobel laureate Bobby Moeller who said dr Salerian is the modern Diogenes  taken into custody then released.
***  A group of  25 travelers from Washington DC  were bumped off the plane  and had to spend a night at the airport  Hotel before traveling to Dallas. Half of the travelers  became   ill with  food poisoning. All 300 and some paintings were   auctioned off  illegally and vanished.
 Since then they have been sold  on eBay.
**** Dr. Bruce Charlton the editor of Medical Hypotheses was fired by fictional allegations  of poor editorial leadership.
*****  SALERIAN was arrested  on April 24 2018 with allegations of drug trafficking.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Conspiracy Theorist or Dr Pillmill

           Secret Weapons for National Security:
           Conspiracy Theorist or Dr Pillmill

Smart  interventions have been  neutralizing  threats to national security by  sudden or slow death.
 JFK,RFK MLK  Gus Grissom  Stanley Kubrick  have abruptly died from  illness   or gunfire . Branding someone   conspiracy theorists ,  left or right winger ,  , Nazi sympathizer ,anti- semite,   doctor pill mill has  also been effective  to  silence thought leaders :


 Should We Investigate the Persecution of Pain Doctors or  Kubrick Movies Broadcasted as  Armstrong Walking on the Moon?

Wisdom - collective intelligence -is a phenomenon  that has evolved since  the first humans emerged in East Africa  56,000 years ago. From Plato to, Darwin, Einstein, Van Allen, Kennedy,  King, Fetzer and other  gifted brains   have generated our   current knowledge and privileges. Paradoxically, progress  has overcome human flaws including  capacity to deceive for personal gain.
 Evolution  will  continue despite  state-sponsored  deceptions for  national  interest or security.