Monday, April 8, 2019

Complexity Neil Armstrong and Microbes

                 Complexity Neil Armstrong  and  Microbes

Complexity suggests this image is impossible

 Linear thinking is a nightmare for medicine and social sciences for  universe is ruled by complexity.
Doctors , lawmakers and  policemen are unfamiliar with complexity and we all suffer because of ignorance.
 Many examples illustrate  this paradox.
·      Neil Armstrong never walked on the moon; however NASA  broadcasting  Stanley Kubrick made movies convinced the world  that  he walked on the moon. It did not matter that Armstrong said he did not see any stars from the moon and  gave  the Dutch Prime Minister a fake moon rock . No one paid attention to the  2001 the Institute of medicine  report ; manned space flights to the moon  are  impossible  because of unresolved health hazards from radiation.
·      There is no evidence that bad doctors cause  addiction and death    yet DEA  have  persecuted 20,000pain doctors in America.

·       Rumors of stomach ulcers being caused by infections is as accurate as Neil Armstrong walking on the moon. However it is difficult to challenge Lancet, New England Journal of Medicine or the Nobel  board that  organic matter transforms  to  bacteria and indeed this is how life began on Earth 3.5 billion years ago.

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