Thursday, January 11, 2018

Jillian Scudder questions

Dear Dr Scudder
 As a student of science  I am puzzled by
 your  observations in Forbes  both the atmosphere and the Van Allen belts can be dangers to space exploration, but with careful observations, orbital maneuvering, and inventiveness, we’ve navigated our way beyond them many times. “
Are you suggesting that Van Allen was wrong ?
Van Allen wrote in    Journal jet propulsion (1958) and Scientific American  in 1959.
that  the radiation belts made  manned  spaceflights impossible.  Until his death in 1990 Van Allen never published any observation   contrary to his  original observations.
Journal  Of jet propulsion 1958:
We surmise that the radiation we have found is closely related to the soft radiation previously detected during  rocket flights in the auroral zone.The radiation intensity necessary just to blank the Geiger tube is equivalent to 60 mr/hr. In this connection the recommended permissible those for human beings is 0.3 r/week. The present radiation is 0.3 r in five hr or less.

Scientific American 1959
So far the most interesting and least expected result of the men’s explanation are the immediate vicinity of the earth is the discovery that our planet’s range by a region to be exact two regions of high energy radiation extending many thousands of miles into space. The discovery is of course troubling to astronauts; somehow  the human body will have to be shielded from this radiation even on a rapid transit through the region.

 Furthermore  there have not been any published  scientific argument  challenging   the original  Van  Allen observation.
The  collective  evidence  suggest  we never went to the moon.
 Stanley Kubrick, the legendary Hollywood  director  on a video recorded interview  confessed his rol In  creating  a fictional Apollo  morning mission movie.

 three astronauts on the moon surface.

no  visible stars  from the moon surface.

 iThe waving the American flag and  physically impossible shadows  from the sun.
 There are countless NASA  photographs of  the American flag  waving in the airless moon. Contrary to NASA  statements two astronauts walking  on the moon, the photo below shows three astronauts on the moon surface. You can”t see any stars in the Apollo moon  photos. They should be very bright and visible.
 How do you explain all  of these abnormalities.
 Integrity is of  essence  for science  up and humanity.
Will you kindly  answer my questions?

Alen J Salerian MD