Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Please support my petition

  Equal Rights for people with mental and physical pain ?

  Because ,there are some150 million second class Americans victimized by chronic mental and physical pain.
  Because , false alarms make it very painful for people with chronic mental and physical pain  to get relief for their suffering.

    We can change this . Please support my petition for equal rights.                                                            

 Millions Victimized By
 CDC’ False Alarm

Alen J Salerian MD
November 1, 2014

            Millions of victims of chronic mental or physical pain suffer needlessly because of misinformation about opiates that  govern medical practice.
    According to the Institute of medicine some 120 million Americans suffer from chronic pain. This number does not include an additional 30 million people with complex psychiatric disorders who may benefit from opiates.
     For many years CDC has been broadcasting an epidemic of prescription pain medication overdose deaths. CDC statistics suggest annually some 14,000 people or 3.5 people in a population of 100.000 die of overdoses from pain medications.
   Our annual loss  of 37,000 lives  to suicide or 12 people per hundred thousand population represent  a robust indicator of the human cost of untreated psychiatric conditions. Some of them may benefit from opiates .Many of 120  million Americans of chronic pain may also benefit from opiates.  Access to opiates for therapeutic benefits faces formidable challenges . But no challenge is  greater than  CDC false alarm of an epidemic of pain medication deaths.
     Opiates and evidence-based medicine:
     Do opiates help chronic pain?  
        Opiates are helpful for chronic pain (Goodman and Gilman textbook of
     Do opiates have antidepressant and mood stabilizing properties?
   There is a plethora of evidence to support the antidepressant and mood stabilizing properties of opiates.
A.     Endorphins are of central importance in pain, impulse control, addiction and mood regulation (Nolte2012).
B.     There is high comorbidity among patients with depression, addiction and chronic pain (Grant2004, Blair 2003).
C.     Postmortem data reveal people with severe depressions have endorphin – morphine starved brains (Iseroff 1990).
D.    Clinical data support the mood stabilizing properties of methadone (Pickar1979) oxycodone (Nyhuis2008) and buprenorphine (Bodkin1994).
E.     Discontinuation of opiates many increase mortality and suicide (Grant 2004, Kakko 2012).
F.     Opiates have been used as mood stabilizers since ancient times (Weber –Emrich 1998).
          Are there opiates with low-risk of abuse?
    In general long acting formulations of morphine like substances ( slow absorption and long half life) have low abuse potential(Salerian2010,Linores 2011). This is because they don't elicit euphoria and their influence to promote drug seeking behavior  is feeble. Methadone ,long-acting oxymorphone  and buprenorphine are common examples of opiates with low abuse potential.
  Do we have an epidemic of painkiller overdose deaths?
 CDC statistics show annual deaths from prescription pain medication overdoses are 3.5 people per 100.000 population. In comparison 12 people die of suicide, 4 people die of motorcycle accidents, 4 people die of drowning , 10 die of alcohol ,
   The above findings suggest regular CDC warnings of an epidemic of  prescription painkiller deaths is a  false alarm.
 No crises seems to  justify our super vigilance to victimize millions of Americans with chronic mental and physical pain.


1.     Grant BF Stinson FS et al. The prevalence of substance use disorders and independent mood and anxiety disorders. Archives of Gen. psychiatry. August 2004 volume 1, PP 807 – 816.
2.     Kakko J ,Svanborg D K ,Kreek M J Hellig M .One year retention and social function after buprenorphine assisted relapse prevention treatment for heroin independence in Sweden: in randomized, placebo-controlled trial. The Lancet 2003 volume 361, issue 9358, pages 662 – 668.

3.Apkarian AV Sosa Y Sonty S Levy RM  Harden RN Parrish TB Gilelman DR . Chronic pain is associated with decreased prefrontal and thalamic gray matter density. The Journal of neuroscience,  2004 – 24 (46) 10401 – 10415.
4.Webster RL Dasgupta N. Obtaining adequate data to determine causes of opioid related overdose deaths. Pain Medicine 2011;12:S86-S92.
5.Libby R. Criminalization of medicine. 2008 Praeger publications.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Please support my petition to Sen. Mikulski

                                          Doctors For Equal Rights
                             For People With Mental And Physical Pain
8409 Carlyn Dr., Bethesda, MD 20817    301-204-9004

Please Support My Petition.

          STOP Bullying Doctors by DEA
          STOP the second-class status of  150  million Americans
    with mental and physical pain  

    My legal situation is insane.  I  am a  victim of DEA  bullying . I will have cancer surgery soon. I  stIll face  the reality of being shipped back to prison to be medicated with antipsychotics against my will and  against the medical opinion of my psychiatrist.
    You may visit my blog for more in formation:

Alen J Salerian MD

Monday, October 27, 2014

Why to support my petition

 Why to support my petition ?
 My worst tortures in prison
Alen J Salerian MD
October 27, 2014

       Rape was not the worst of my tortures in prison.
     The worst, the most terrifying was  the insulin confrontation that lasted several minutes. I was in the shu and there were no witnesses and I was being accused of not cooperating by a guard who had the power to inject me with a deadly poison.    The second worst was when I was ambushed by two criminals in the little television room with no help from outside. I was yelled at snitch mother f and pushed around physically with my ID taken away. Absolute terror of death that lasted a minute.          The third worst was when a  psychotic criminal showed off his powers with karate moves  telling me he could kill me  in three seconds. This lasted 90 minutes. The fourth worst was my five days with another insane criminal  in a small cell. This person assaulted a nurse on the fifth day. This incident also occurred while I was under protective custody.
     Rape was scary because of my fear of getting hit over the head and suffering brain injuries. All of these things happened when I already knew  that every day an inmate was dying silently and suddenly at Butner FMC.

       My bad luck can  be better appreciated if one is familiar with  professor Ronald Libby's scholarly work "Criminalization Of Medicine". or if you read the horrors that struck Dr. William Hurwitz, Dr. Alex Deluca, Dr. Linda Cheek, Dr. Silvio Ziskovici  and finally my deceased friends Dr. John Mirczak, Siobhan Reynolds and Kevin Byers.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

sos 001

 Who is Dr Salerian ?

        Doctors For Equal Rights For Mental And Physical Pain  8409 Carlynn Dr., Bethesda, MD 20817 cell: 202-320-6176

Brief Biography

    Alen J  Salerian  MD is the  founder and president of Doctors For Equal RIghts For Mental and Physical Pain, a life member of APA, diplomat of American Association of  Forensic Medical Examiners , author of of CNS Spectrum December 2012 editorial" DSM and  Galileo", a reviewer for New England Journal of Medicine, a frequent contributor to  the Washington Post ,Los Angeles Times and USA with television appearances on CBS's 60 minutes ,CNN ,48 hours and BBC Panorama.

 I am very proud that  I was a  founding member  of  the poetry club  led   by nurse Beasley .
Poetry Club – FMC Butner Prison – 2G
Ms Beasley - Dr. Salerian
May 28-September 24, 2014

My prayers
by Anthony Valentine

Dear Lord
Please save me
From my sins
I am asking U
Out my heart
And my soul
Don't want to live negative
No more
And I ask
When is my senator coming ?

To my PTSD healer
By Alen J Salerian  MD

I ache
You listen
Don't hear
I say
This was an assault
You listen
My heart ,thighs pain
You inquire
Microscopic details
DNA, sperm size
The color of underwear
Hair jail or jell
You say
Let's continue next week
I had faded away

Meaning of Pain
by Alen J Salerian MD

A nano second before death
A U-turn
A miracle
Now you are
Stronger ,wiser
Now you have crossed the line
Now you are blonde with no teeth
Or good teeth yellow skin
Or very black
Or very bad genes
Your bond is pain
You sponge
Glue it to your soul
And when
Your new life begins
That's a true miracle
Meaning of pain

A poem for my Senator
By Alen J Salerian  MD

There will be war
No gore
Sheer misery
Me suffering
My mountains
Blood and sweat
Blessing heavens
For a divine cause

Is my senator here?
by Alen J Salerian MD

Do you hear what I hear?
Do you smell the ocean?
Not the wicked  images
Swimming zombies
Whipped  into fish
Once vibrant catch
Wishing relief and freedom
Dreaming a Senator
Would fly in
Rescue  us
The damaged goods.

Hearing blazing sounds
Metallic noises
A chopper
Slicing air
Helicopter flashes

Is My Senator  here?