Monday, March 27, 2017

Rehan And Bernard Prolonged My Life

                 Rehan And Bernard Prolonged My Life
My sister Rehan and brother-in-law Bernard visited me in Athens lifting my spirits bringing joy and excitement to my life for several days in late March 2017.  Both the anticipation of the visit and the exhilaration I felt throughout this marvelous encounter with photographic memories of family bonding and love possibly extended my life by several days.
   This is a scientific guess; because joy is dopamine and dopamine is good for your brain and body.  The opposite of course is true for stress brought on by ordinary unhappy encounters of life as diverse as illness, job loss, cash shortage or the loss of or rejection by loved ones .
  Death, disease and misfortune visit us without any invitation. It is up to us to create happy moments in life. We must take initiative  for happy encounters .Otherwise, our lives may become a  collection of  recurrent sadness and pain  .

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Dr Salerian: Did we go to the moon?why is it important

Dr Salerian: Did we go to the moon?: The Vital Importance of Scientific Integrity In The Investigation  Of The Apollo Moon Hoax And Other Giant  Man-made  Delusions

  Why do I write about the Apollo moon hoax , the JFK assassination ,911 or the alleged Sandy Hook  massacre ?
  They all represent the paradoxical power of scientific progress to benefit a small group of deceitful minds at the expense of the great majority of people on our planet . Regardless of why , how or by whom deception is both harmful  and unnatural  Neither our universe nor evolution  allows deceptive practices. Nature doesn’t cheat. Cheating is bad for humans.
    My observations about life on earth have blessed me with the courage to freely share my knowledge. I have been inspired by John F. Kennedy, Robert F Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, James Fetzer, Hrant Dink and John Lennon - the giant  defenders of  the sanctity of freedom of speech  and equality  for all people - despite  the  sad possibility of punishment by intolerant and peasantly minds.
 Did we go to the moon? Who do you believe? Your Brain or NASA? NASA reported two astronauts walked on the moon. Photo A...

Did we go to the moon?

Did we go to the moon?
Who do you believe? Your Brain or NASA?
NASA reported two astronauts walked on the moon. Photo A shows three astronauts on the  Moon; 2 seen in the visor+ the astronaut. Photo B  seems to be physically impossible: there is no wind on the moon because there’s no air; the flag cannot be waving. Also the shadows of the flagpole and the astronaut move in opposite directions. This suggests artificial multisource lighting  consistent with the movie creation of the Apollo missions.