Saturday, February 28, 2015

Dennis Lee the voice newspaper EARL COLE

                               Doctors For Equal Rights For Physical And Mental Pain
        8409 Carlynn Dr. to cause Bethesda, MD 20817     
       Founding members Siobhan Reynolds Kevin Byers Vanessa Mullin Alen J Salerian

Mr  Dennis Lee
Abington Virginia
February 28 2015

Dear Mr. Lee

  In public you lied about me several times. Five years ago in a Virginia courtroom you claimed I was a drug dealer, a Dr. Pill Mill.
    Four years ago we were scheduled to have a public debate at a forum in Cedar Bluff Virginia you did not show up. Last year your associates lied  and misinformed judge Jones that the Cedar Bluff forum was part of my drug dealing operation.
  Until February 2014 I had been demanding my day  in court to confront your lies.  You  managed to send me to prison without a trial. Do you know that I got  tortured and raped because of your lies, Mr. Lee?
 I now publicly ask that you apologize for your lies and place flowers on the burial sites of all your victims. There are 12 cemeteries for you to visit .
   You are dishonest  Mr. Lee. You love kicking ass of people with disabilities, with pain such as our veterans who suffered injuries or truck drivers and coal mineworkers who sacrificed their bodies  and now they are suffering because of you.
   Because of your  claims that any Virginian with pain is a drug dealer.
  May I invite you to have a  debate. Stop hiding behind the judicial system and accept my invitation. I cant imagine a better place than a public debate to settle our differences. Man to man. Either you will kick my ass or I will have the pleasure of kicking  yours.

   I will trust my friends  at the voice newspaper to find the best location. Thanks respectfully .

Alen J Salerian MD

maps to the stars ,Hollywood Freud

                                Doctors For Equal Rights For Physical And Mental Pain
        8409 Carlynn Dr. to cause Bethesda, MD 20817     
       Founding members Siobhan Reynolds Kevin Byers Vanessa Mullin Alen J Salerian

From Freud To Hollywood : Naive Prejudice Against People With Mental Illness
Alen J Salerian MD
February 28 2015

   Freud blamed bad mothers and unusual sexual encounters in early life to explain the great majority of psychiatric disorders. His major error was not to differentiate causation from association. A very common  scientific error  .
  By now we know that early life trauma or drugs may contribute to psychiatric disorders. This doesn't mean in general psychiatric disorders develop because of bad mothers or drugs. The prejudice is very subtle yet pervasive throughout the  media and Hollywood.       
   Gifted brains perpetuate the myth that bad mothers, childhood sexual mishaps and drugs cause almost all psychiatric problems..  Naive assumptions of sadistic  mothers and drugs making people mentally ill has become  a popular  and widely accepted paradigm .
   So when you have drugs sex and mean parents  you  may have a sexy blockbuster movie. Success breeds success. More movies exploit the same subtle moral prejudices and archaic Freudian concepts of mental illness.
   For sure these movies are entertaining. I enjoyed.“Maps To The Stars”. Are these movies harming some of us? Are we having a good time at the expense of humans with mental and physical pain?  Humans who may benefit from demolishing wrongful myths to have better lives.
   In America we are still in stone ages to deal with mental illness. From London's Bedlam to America's federal institutions  there has been some progress. It's good that we don't  charge visitors  a fee to view people with broken brains in cages. We just keep them busy with slave labor, punish them with solitary confinement.
   We also continue our white lies. We label  mentally ill as homeless to diminish guilt for ignoring  their brain problems. Our CDC dismisses  37,000 annual suicides and make a big fuss about prescriptions pain medication causing an epidemic of deaths. A false alarm which further discriminates against people with mental and physical pain.
 Freud was a brilliant observer , he just confused association with causation.

 What is our excuse to punish imperfect brains ?

Friday, February 27, 2015

angry Dennis Lee Steven kennedy Methadone death

                                Doctors For Equal Rights For Physical And Mental Pain
        8409 Carlynn Dr. to cause Bethesda, MD 20817     
       Founding members Siobhan Reynolds Kevin Byers Vanessa Mullin Alen J Salerian

2 Sorry Men:  Ignorant Fury 
Alen J Salerian MD
February 27, 2015

  Steven Kennedy lost his mind after his son Patrick suddenly  passed away from a  genetic cardiac disease.
  Dennis Lee lost his cool  after he suddenly lost someone dear from addiction .
 In concert Kennedy and Lee unleashed their energy to infect others with their deadly pain.
   They cleansed Virginia of 12 people. 17 people became unemployed. 1200 patients lost their trusted  physician . One physicians died another one was raped in prison  .

    Are Dennis Lee and Stephen Kennedy naive virgins or angry Virginians?

Dennis Lee, the voice, PhiliP KEENE, New York Times

                                Doctors For Equal Rights For Physical And Mental Pain
        8409 Carlynn Dr. to cause Bethesda, MD 20817     
       Founding members Siobhan Reynolds Kevin Byers Vanessa Mullin Alen J Salerian

Eerie Silence Of Our Icons: Persecution Of 20,000 Doctors
Alen J Salerian MD
February 27, 2015

   The Voice is a small paper somewhere in Southwest Virginia not far from War West Virginia. The voice  has published articles about the persecution of 20,000 doctors in the 10 last years.  In December 2011 Philip Keene and Earl Cole  both Voice  reporters  organized a public forum about addiction pain and the alleged epidemic of deaths from prescription pain medications.
   Southwest  West Virginia has been hit hard by tough challenges of poverty, unemployment and also drug wars. The local prosecutor Dennis Lee managed to convince the locals that anyone taking pain medication including war veterans, retired coal miners or victims of car accidents are drug addicts. And worst, doctors from far away places are spreading death and disease in Southwest Virginia by prescribing too many painkillers. The rest is history. I ended up in prison, torture and raped.
   20,000 doctors and Dr. Linda Cheek Dr. Paul Volkman Dr. Paul Kelly have been imprisoned by criminalization of medicine in the last 10 years. The voice has been the only voice.

 Why are New York Times ,Washington Post and NBC silent?


                                Doctors For Equal Rights For Physical And Mental Pain
        8409 Carlynn Dr. to cause Bethesda, MD 20817     
       Founding members Siobhan Reynolds Kevin Byers Vanessa Mullin Alen J Salerian

Our Pleasant World:  Blind Trust Of  Our Icons
Alen J Salerian MD
 February 28th 2015

  We all wish the same things. Comfort, safety, food and shelter and positive energy from fun and celebrations of life.
  We also live in a high tech world bombarded with information and misinformation. We do not always invest sufficient time to crucial details of what's being reported.    We trust our institutional icons  New York Times MIT Harvard and  humans with integrity .Our views of life on our planet. are in general influenced by people at  New York Times or at MIT who are possibly handicapped by their  reliance on traditionally trustworthy systems. In essence our perception of world events is based upon trust ,individual and institutional integrity. And vulnerable to human failings.
 I don't doubt that the current ISIS crisis is real. But I also remember horrible stories of  Viet kong communists and Saddam's  weapons of mass destruction that led to  millions of  lost lives.
   I have taken the time to study Pres. Kennedy assassination and 911 and concluded that they were  inside jobs perpetrated by key members of my government. I have not studied the Connecticut elementary school killings or the Boston bombing.
    Will I be not be surprised  if they were inside jobs as well? The scholarly analysis by Prof. James Fetzer and a few red flags make this question worthy of scientific scrutiny.
   Like JFK's fake autopsy and lost brain at Bethesda Naval and both Connecticut and Boston investigations seem to have the signature traits of an organized cover-up: The destruction of crucial crime scene evidence for national security.Or psychological sensitivity to grieving parents. How can we justify demolishing the elementary school so fast or presenting not very logical explanations about how the alleged perpetrators died? Why is New York Times silent?

 These are not fun dinner conversations with family members or neighbors. Any suggestion that either Connecticut or Boston killings were inside jobs would be lunacy. It's much more fun to talk about Redskins and who won the Oscars. Our pleasant world does not have any room for negative energy.