Friday, November 4, 2016

Billy the bull's vanishing libido

       The Vanishing Libido Of Billy the Bull

 The vanishing libido of “Billy the bull “from this small West Virginia town off the Appalachian Trail had evolved into a major crisis. For almost a year there had been no pregnant cows . And no fresh milk.  The locals thought ” Billy the bull” was grieving the recent death of his doc, the local veterinarian.

    The sheriff was the first to try to fix the problem.

  "Hey, Billy what's wrong with you? Why are you so mean to sexy cows? What if I kick your ass, then, perhaps you’ll be a man". Nothing changed upon half a dozen kicks.  Later , several  well meaning men including a soft-spoken attorney and a plumber also tried . They also failed.

   One day, the local judge decided to chat with ” Billy the bull.” 

"Hey Billy I ‘m a city boy , you’re the first  bull I’ve ever spoken to .  I’m here to listen …. to learn from you . Why have you stopped being a bull?

  The bull lifted his head up and looked at the judge.

"Your Honor, do you really care , I’m an  animal , never gone to school".

"Of course I care Mr Billy, you know your body the best" the judge responded.

There was a momentary silence before “Billy the bull “slowly raised his  head and spoke softly.

"My good doc had saved my balls …. he had me on testosterone shots. Then my doc died’.

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