Humans, Saleri Oil Painting
Evolutionary laws offer clues to understand human
First it was the Big Bang some 10 billion
years ago. Then came the first living cell, a bacterium 7.5 billion years ago .This
makes bacteria are our oldest distant
This thought it self is unnerving. This means
, the creatures we often try to destroy as our enemies today , were once our relatives.
billion years we have evolved into more complex creatures: crocodiles, fish ,
cows , bulls and apes .A few million years later were born. Some of the homo
sapiens progressed so much to adopt the UN resolutions to ban genocide.
Of psychobiological importance our evolution
has been closely linked to the mediating influences of human prefrontal cortex
,a small region in front part of the brain .
Unlike bacteria frogs and fish lacking
emotion, human mammalian brain ( inherited from chimpanzees, dogs and cattle)
is endowed with the ability to feel and think.
Our prefrontal
cortex differentiates us from the rest of the animal kingdom and represents the
top layer of evolution dating back to nonliving things.
So in summary, all our ancestors are well represented
in our brain and have become us with specific brain regions corresponding to
specific functions .
Thus, a simplistic model of human brain would
reveal 3 predominant brain functions. Rabbit brain , monkey brain and the
prefrontal cortex, the truly human brain that
governs them.
Human behavior- is governed
by brain regions: Motor homunculus controls your movements. Amygdala, hypothalamus and prefrontal cortex
govern your emotions. Amygdala is fear,
hippocampus emotional memory, orbitofrontal cortex addiction, Prefrontal cortex
judgment , logic,intelligence,creativity,planning,mastery of impulse and limbic urges and reason.
Prefrontal cortex is the king
of your brain ,in charge of your actions and emotions.
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