Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Who Will Be the First President to Tell the American People Whether We Went to the moon?

            Who Will  Be the First President to Tell the American People  
                                        Whether We Went to the moon?

1.     Do  NASA  Pentagon and CIA collaborate?
2.     What is the evidence that Kubrick confession is not authentic?
3.     Why did NASA  destroy   Apollo engineering plans?
4.     Why did  Van Allen (1958) and Institute of medicine(2001) say flights to the moon  are impossible?
5.      Why did Armstrong say I did not see any starts from the moon? He also said truth has many layers.
6.     Why did Armstrong give Dutch prime minister SA Moonrock that’s on exhibits in Amsterdam Museum.
7.     Why don’t Chinese moon  samples  and Apollo samples Match?
8.      Why do several NASA  Apollo mission photos three astronauts on the surface when NASA  reported only two astronauts walked on the moon in the third one stayed in the mothership ?
9.      how was it possible for the Apollo astronauts not to  suffer radiation  sickness because their spacesuits were made of  teflon and aluminum inadequate  shields   against radiation?
10.   Who will  be the first president to tell the American people the truth?

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