Thursday, December 1, 2016

When The War Came

When The War Came

When the war came to my village
I was not young
When the war came
A doctor I had been
Unfamiliar with the war
The big war of life
And the small war on doctors

When the war came to my home
 I was brave
A physician
A pupil of Hippocrates
Loved healing
The art of healing
 Had passion
Naïve youthful passion

After the war left my home
I paint a lot
Draw paintings of pain
Write a few brave words
Scarred fingers talking
Silent aches I can’t see
Poems and paintings
Thickened skin
Vestiges of war
Gifts of life
Life is Hippocrates

Not remembering wars

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written.
    I miss you Doc!
    I will never find another Doctor with the knowledge that you have. You were able to heal my pain and mind. Thank you for everything!

    With love,
    Ashleigh- Roanoke,VA
    (Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma)
