Thursday, December 31, 2015

I Remember Nagasaki poem-warning --sensitive people should not read

I Remember Nagasaki

I was not born
Not even a thought
Not living in Nagasaki
On August 9, 1945

I was not alive
A collection of cosmic dust
I ‘ll never forget
The sun began melting
Jupiter in tears
Twitching stars
On August 1945

When the bomb came
In space since Big Bang
Some 9 billion years ago
Long before
The earth was born
I had been indifferent
As dust or rock
Totally numb
Unaffected by big fires

But this different fire
In a few seconds
Lava of death
Raining blood
Our silent black universe
Read orange glow
Chilling decay of stench
Yelps and smells of sorrow

The next five years
Low-grade radiation
Slowly cars men kids decaying
Smokeless fires
Me smelling the bomb
Since August 9, 1945

From Big Bang to Nagasaki
From non-living things to men
Universe is universe
Fires come fires go
Dust becoming men
Men making wars
Wars burning Nagasaki
Men forgetting kids
Universe on fire

Very much living

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