Parting Away
Never a good time
Not for goodbye
No good moment
Not for farewell
Dried tears falling
Choking my throat
I must leave
It's time to leave
No second-guessing
What if
Still hope there is
One more time
Repeating the same words
Hearing back the same
Love not enough
I must leave
Cry my friend
Cry but leave
Because you must leave
You can't explain yourself
He or she says
She or he doesn't get it
You must leave my friends
We talk not to hear
We hear what we hear
One of us must hear
I’m ready to hear
I hear you my dear
I can't live with lies
Can't feign deafness
People shouting lies
Please feel what I feel
Not you I’m fleeing
From all lies
Black lies
Here I come again
Me hopeful me the dreamer
Wishing not to run
If you silently
Blink at me
Tell me
You may entertain
Our trusted icons
Let us down
I have not lost it
And you understand
Black lies small big
Twisting truth
Truth is my air
My bleeding heart
War on doctors
JFK 9/11 Sandy Hook
Are man made mess
Do you get it my love
Denying foul play
Censoring research
Dismissing science
Not connecting dots
Like my government
You ripping me apart
My deepest wounds
Love is not enough
Gluing our bond
Note: the Warren report on JFK assassination has
been proven to be completely false. American Pilot Association for 9/11 truth,
1000 Professors for 9/11 truth concluded that no airplane struck the Pentagon.
Six professors published research proving no one died at Sandy Hook. Their
book” No One Died at Sandy Hook was banned. One of the authors a tenured
professor was fired by his employer.
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