Monday, October 2, 2017

Exercise Benefits, Salerian

        Letters From Modern Psychiatry
Alen J Salerian MD    
               Benefits Of Exercise

      Runner,Salerian AJ,oil pastel

   Since antiquity the importance of exercise in combatting formidable human adversaries as diverse as disease , ageing and cancer  has been well-recognised.  Yet, does knowledge mean action?

   Do we really understand and believe the extraordinary health benefits of physical fitness?
 The physiological benefits of exercise are:
·             Improved cardiovascular function and oxygenation.
·             Reduction of oxidative stress , free radicals  and  inflammation.
·             Protection against natural ageing associated brain tissue losses in prefrontal and temporal cortices and hippocampus by promotion of BDNF,IGF and endorphins.
·             Reduction of body temperature, slowing down metabolism.
   The above physiological changes would bring about
·             Improved mood, memory and intellectual function.
·             Improved energy and physical well-being.
·             Slow down ageing and degeneration.

                 Biology Of Exercise

·             Increases redox state and resistance against oxidative stress by free radicals.(1)
·             Counter acts brain inflammation and inflammation induced down regulation of  growth factors.(2)
·             Increases cardiovascular fitness and reduces biological and cognitive age-related decline in brain function.(3,4,5)
·             Increases size of hippocampus and memory . Promotes hippocampal neurogenesis, increases hippocampal BDNF.(6)
·      Increases brain size, expands prefrontal cortex in elderly. (7)
·             Protects against age-related grey matter loss in prefrontal cortex superior parietal and temporal cortices.(8)
·             Increases brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), insulin like growth factor IGF), endorphins which protects against brain injury of diverse  etiology ,  temporal lobe connectivity between bilateral para hippocampus and bilateral middle temporal gyrus.(9,10,11)
·             Increases beta endorphins and beta lipotrophin by triggering increased discharge from mechano sensitive afferent nerve fibres arising from counteracting skeletal muscle.(12,13,14)
·      Reduces body temperature and slows down metabolism.(15,16)

References ;
1.Salerian AJ, The Brain: A beautiful journey, Amazon,2017
2.Cotman WC, Berchtold NC,Christie LA, Exercise builds brain health: key roles  of growth  factor  cascades  and inflammation. Trends In Neuroscience, volume 30, issue 10, October 2007.
3.Cotman C, Engesser-Cesar C, Exercise enhances and protects brain function. Exercise And Sport Sciences Reviews. Volume 30, issue 2, Pages 75–79 April 2002.
4.  Voss MW, Vivar C, Cramer A, Praag V H,Bridging  animal and human models of exercise-induced brain plasticity. Trends In Cognitive Sciences, volume 17, issue 10, October 2013.
5. Colcombe S, Kramer AF, Fitness effects on the cognitive function of older adults. Psychological science, March 2003.
6. Erickson K I,Exercise training increases size of hippocampus and  improves memory. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Volume 108, number 7, December 2010.
7.Colcombe SJ,  Erickson KI, Paige E. Scalf J et al  Aerobic Exercise Training Increases Brain Volume in Aging Humans .The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, Volume 61, Issue 11, 1 , Pages 1166–1170, November 2006.
8.Colcombe S, Ericksson KI,Raz N,et al, Aerobic fitness reduces brain tissue loss in ageing humans. The Journals Of Gerontology. Series A, volume 58 issue2, February 2003.
9.Rasmussen P ,Brassard P,Adser H, Evidence for release brain derived neurotrophic factor from the brain during exercise. Experimental Physiology, volume 94 issue 10, October 2009.
10. Vos M W, Erickson K I ,Prakash RS,et al .Neuro biological markers of exercise related brain plasticity in older adults. Brain Behavior And Immunity, volume 28, Pages 90–99, February 2013.
11.Kaada B,Torsteinb Ove, Increase  of plasma  beta endorphins in connective tissue massage, General pharmacology: the vascular system, volume 20 ,issue 4 , 1989.
12.Thoren P, Floras JS, Hoffman P,et al ,Endorphins and exercise: physiological mechanisms and clinical implications. Medicine And Science In Sport And Exercise 22 (4),417-428,1990.
13. Harber V, Sutton JR , Endorphins And Exercise, Sports Medicine, volume1, issue 2,pp 154-171, March 1984.
14.Sforzo GA, Opioids and exercise,Sports Medicine,  up volume 7,issue 2 February 1989.
                15.Roth GS, Lane MA, Ingram D , Mattison JU et al, Biomarkers of caloric restriction    may predict longevity in humans , Science volume 297 , 2002.

16.Salerian AJ Saleri NG, Cooler body temperatures may delay degeneration and prolong longevity, Medical Hypotheses,2008.

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