Sunday, December 16, 2018

Happy 2019 New York Times : Please Help Us Stop the Fake News ?

  Happy 2019 New York Times :  Please Help Us Stop the Fake News ?

How many times have we heard of the fake news.?
Conductor,Salerian AJ,OIL PASTEL

 The tortured cycle of twisted news  which get  repeated thousands of times for decades.  Talisman reporters who madden simply by way of withholding the truth and exhibiting  brilliant  eloquence which mesmerizes everyone by stories so pure no  one cares that it’s  fictionalized  truth  like diaries of Ann Frank.

1.     20,000 pain doctors are drug dealers in America
2.     Neil Armstrong did not give  the Dutch prime minister  a fake moon rock.
3.     Stanley Kubrick  confession  that  he  directed the Apollo Mission movies is fake.
4.     Stanley Kubrick died of a heart attack  after his fake confession and we don’t know why an autopsy was  not performed.
5.     Muslim  boys  killed 3500   Americans on 9/11 and Larry Silverstein did not receive $4.5 billion.
6.     We don’t know  why the New York city fire department took  down by controlled demolition the World trade center building seven which was not struck by an airplane on 9/11 .
7.     We  invaded  Iraq because Saddam   had nuclear weapons.
8.     We   invaded Vietnam to defend democracy.
9.     1.5 Vietnamese  civilians  did not die from  genocide..
10.  Dresden Tokyo Hiroshima Nagasaki  were not genocides.
11.  An autistic  boy massacred 22 people  at Sandy  Hook   elementary school in Connecticut and the   chief  pathologist conducted 22 autopsies in four hours  In December 2012.
12.  Bacteria   cause gastric ulcers.

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