Monday, December 17, 2018

Who Do You Believe Pasteur or a Drug Dealing Dr ?

Who Do You Believe Pasteur or a Drug Dealing Dr ?

We believe all infections result from contamination because Louis  Pasteur said so . Also it is impossible for organic matter to  transform to  bacteria because that happened 3.5  billion years ago and it would never happen again.
 We also believe  gastric ulcers result from infections because two brilliant Australian scientists won   the Nobel Prize in medicine in 2005 for their discovery.
  The impossibility of organic matter  transforming to life   and bacteria evolving to humans  are provocative claims.
We would rather  believe Jesus walked on water, men  walked on the moon than believe  a psychiatrist who was  imprisoned as a drug dealer  l. Also the same psychiatrist said  irrational things like  the first American coup d’état killed   Pres. Kennedy  Robert Kennedy, Kennedy Junior 50,000 Americans and 1.5 million Vietnamese.

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