Thursday, December 13, 2018

 Happy 2019

  Let us  together with  New York  Times, London Times,  LeMond ,Der – Spiegel Democracia , Hurriyet, Milliyet ,Al Jazeera, BBC ,CBS  expose the fake news.
   We know who killed Pres. Kennedy , 50,000 Americans and 1.5 million Vietnamese.   Is time an excuse to cover up crimes against humanity?
    No one walked on the moon. NASA  must explain why Armstrong gave the Dutch prime minister a moon rock  later to be discovered to be fake.   NASA photos show three astronauts on the moon , when NASA  reported only  two astronauts walked  and the third remained in the space ship.
 Let us inform the world that young dark skinned Muslim boys  did not kill 3500 civilians on 9/11.Pentagon with some help from  Israel bombed the  twin towers ,  the New York city fire department brought down WTC  building seven  which was not struck by an airplane -this proves advanced planning and complicity- and Mr. Larry Silverstein received $4.5 billion.
 Let us inform the world that physicians treating people with chronic pain are not drug dealers.

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