Monday, March 12, 2018

Abuse of Medical Doctors ;dr salerian remarks

Prepared remarks of Alen J Salerian MD  before the US Congress , Committee On
Abuse of Medical Doctors on April 24, 2018

My Dear And Honorable Congressmen

I  speak to  you from  Athens Greece ,home  of Hippocrates.
My apologies for not appearing in person. I  thank you for the privilege  to share my observations about our war on drugs and doctors.
  A hurricane went through my life on Marche 2011 when a small army of armed men of my government  raided   my house in Bethesda Maryland and  office In Washington D.C.. They claimed I was a drug dealer.. The charges against me  were  dropped in April 2016.
   Until March 2011 I had enjoyed a privileged life as a psychiatrist , and  as the former director of MPERT- FBI. Over many decades I had taught at the George Washington University School of Medicine, treated some 10.000 patients  and  authored many scholarly  books  .
         In retrospect I was naive and foolish. For ,I thought my record as a conscientious physician would spare me from the   DEA.

Nether  my humanitarian work as the president of  Doctors For  People With

Physical And  Mental  Pain nor my credentials as an  expert reviewer for New

England Journal Of Medicine  on pain nor authoring an editorial for CNS

Spectrum a prestigious neuropsychiatric journal mattered.

Here comes the most painful part of my DEA journey including

 bankruptcy , imprisonment  solitary confinement and rape  in a federal prison

in Butner North Carolina .

12  sudden deaths  including  my attorney and many other innocent souls.

Yes 7 patients  died because the DC Department of Health shut down my

practice by a summary suspension of my DEA license in April 2012.

Emergency hearings were held in the summer of 2012. The honourable  DC

Administrative Judge  John Green never ruled on the lawfulness of the

summary suspension of my DEA Licence  which  shut down my

practice ,and led to my bankruptcy and the office  closure .

 My  dear congressmen ,

 may I now I  frankly share my observations and  and also raise    several

questions ?

In the spirit of honesty I  feel Judge Green , Dr Watson and other   members of the DC Board Of Medicine  are   morally responsible for  the  sudden deaths of Solange Macarthur, Deborah Sypert , Joseph Nasser, Philip Pruix ,Paul Mullins and two other patients of mine.
I also believe dirty tricks were responsible for the deaths of  my attorney Kevin

 Byers and  my  fellow board member Siobhan Reynolds and my colleague

Dr  John Mirczak ?

We  Americans have a major problem with  some 80 million  of us living with chronic pain ? Car accidents, wars, industrial accidents or  psychiatric disorders explain why so many of us are  in need of prescription pain medications .
I believe our ow war on drugs  have caused an epidemic of deaths from overdose and suicides.?
 I  believe our current laws that treat doctors  as  drug dealers are very wrong ,terribly wrong.

Are winds from Senator McCarthy era or  from  our tragic lynch mentality

past visiting us today ?

No American-patient or doctor -should   endure what my patients, associates

and family members have experienced.

Thank you
Alen J Salerian MD

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