Monday, February 29, 2016

Sandy Hook Massacre: Man-Made Delusions Academia And The Main Media

     Sandy Hook Massacre: Man-Made Delusions Academia And The Main Media

   Two great Americans Pres. Jimmy Carter and Paul Craig Roberts the former editor of the Wall Street Journal have recently warned us about the erosion of democracy in America. President Carter observed ”Nowadays America is an oligarchy “. Roberts said “When a small number of interest groups own the main media we lose freedom, democracy and human rights”.
   Roberts further explained that we Americans live in a false reality created by orchestrated events because the main media has lost its ability to seriously investigate major mishaps that form our national opinions. He cites many examples including 911, Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction and the alleged Sandy Hook massacre.
    From a psychiatric perspective a false reality is a man-made mass delusion. Reality is fixed. There is only one reality. To validate a reality one must rely on scientific methods and what physics define as eigenvalues - not easily observable influences that exist- such as air or gravity.
   In totalitarian systems it is possible to control scientific institutions and media to reinforce man-made false delusions. In America perhaps the most obvious example of this toxic main media – academic collusion to support a man-made delusion was observed in the creation of The Sandy Hook Massacre Delusion in Newtown Connecticut on December 14, 2012.
From the very beginning something did not feel right about the alleged massacre committed by an autistic young man. The  claims had too many obvious inconsistencies such as in general autistics are quiet, shy, awkward people not prone to violence, a young man by himself killing 26 people in five minutes and injuring only one, the chief medical examiner claiming he performed seven autopsies in eight hours etc..
  Then ,came the findings of 13 researchers (seven of whom were PhD's) offering scientific evidence of a major  staged event with active participation of dozens of crisis actors. It was funny and not so funny to learn that David Wheeler an accomplished Hollywood actor who played in “Faithful” 2001 now feigning as a victimized father of a fictional dead child.
     None of the above mattered for the main media or five distinguished professors of psychiatry (mostly Yale faculty). They continued to promote this man made mass delusion of the Sandy Hook massacre.

     The good news is it will be easier for the five professors of psychiatry to realize their error by simply honoring the current principles of evidence-based medicine. The main media does not seem to have such a guideline.

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