Tuesday, June 14, 2016

A lettr from a concerned American physician :criminalization of psychiatry and pain medicine

  June 14, 2016

   Dear Friends

     As an American physician I feel obligated to inform the public that there is new and compelling statistical evidence to suggest “the criminalization of psychiatry and pain medicine “has harmed millions of Americans with chronic pain and psychiatric disorders .
    The vital statistics from 2000 to 2014 indicate that the US suicide rate, deaths from total overdose and heroine increased at a time when Japan and European Union suicide rates declined and the percentage of deaths from prescription opiates relative to the total overdose deaths also declined. The data collectively prove the CDC alarm singling out prescription opiates as public menace has been harmful for millions of Americans.
  Please  reviewing the data and if you concur with my conclusions share it with anyone and most importantly with your Congressman or Senator.
Thanks a million.

  Alen J Salerian MD
 The Criminalization Of Psychiatry And Pain Medicine : Statistical Evidence Of Harm ( 2000-2014)
Deaths per 1000.000 population

§  Deaths by suicide increased from 10.1 to 12.9.

§  Deaths by heroine overdose increased from 0.4 to 3.

§  Deaths by overdose increased from 3 to 14 .

§  % 0f deaths by prescription opiates relative to total overdose deaths declined from 46% to 38%.

§   opiates 4 times) was less relative to the rate of increase of total overdose deaths (4.9 times).

CDC Vital Statistics
January 1, 2016 /64 (50); 1378 – 82
http://www. cdc.gov/mmwpObservation

                     US Deaths (2000 vs 2014)

            Per 100.000 Population

      Overdose                                  3                 14.7

Suicide                                             10.1               12.9

Prescription opiates                      1.4                  5.6

Heroin                                               0.4                  3.4            

PO/OD %                                    46                  38

Heroin /OD  %                            13                  22

Observation:   US has an epidemic of deaths by suicide and heroin overdose. The percentage of deaths from prescription pain medications in total overdose deaths declined from 46% to 38%.

CDC Vital Statistics
January 1, 2016 /64 (50); 1378 – 82
http://www. cdc.gov/mmwpObservation




 CDC False Alarm By Human Errors




False alarm: Prescription pain medications are responsible for the epidemic of od deaths and heroin overdose deaths. 2014 CDC opiate deaths of 9 per 100.000 population include heroin reinforcing the public alarm about prescription pain medications.

Fact: Deaths from prescription pain medications as a percentage of total overdose deaths have declined from 46% in 2000 to 38% in 2014.

False alarm: Pescription pain medications are responsible for an epidemic of heroine addiction and heroin od deaths..

Fact: No causal link supports an association   between prescription pain medications and the epidemics of heroine addiction and overdose deaths. Association is not causation. Heroine addiction and deaths have increased consistent with the rise of the rate of suicides – a reliable benchmark of mental health-possibly reflecting the adverse influences associated with the criminalization of psychiatry and pain medicine.


CDC Vital Statistics

January 1, 2016 /64 (50); 1378 – 82

http://www. cdc.gov/mmwpObservation

The Adverse Effects Of Criminalization Of Psychiatry And Pain Medicine:
 Vital Statistics From 2000 to 2014

§  Regulatory barriers reducing access to prescription opiates and availability of physicians willing or able to prescribe opiates at a  time of increasing demand  due to greater number of Americans with  chronic pain and mental illness.
§  Greater use of other legal and illegal medications (over-the-counter meds and heroin) .

§  Greater number of od deaths by overdose , heroine and suicide.

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