Saturday, June 25, 2016

“Are You Sure My Friend Its Not My Dots ?a poem dr salerian

“Are You Sure My Friend Its Not My Dots ?

 “I'm fearful my uncle

You have dots”

“My boy

 Be proud of heritage

We’re leopards “

“You scare me Papi

You big and black”

“Looks might wrong you

 Tall is great
We’re not from Mars
Or Pluto”

“Sorry friend

No time to call

I miss our chats

Long and dandy”

“Are you sure my friend
It’s not my dots
Really sure
Not my bad fortunes
 Or the rumors?
I ‘m no Taliban

 “ Ok man

Taliban or not

I wish peace and calm

And dislike black dots


  1. Mr Salerian still thinks he's a Dr and a good one that....never heard some did I stay stay alive on all the ridiculous amounts of narcotics he brainwashed me into taking for 9 years, is a mystery to all of the dr's and people that Know what happened (all the physical and mental torture he made me go through) still be alive is a pure miracle!!! He actually had the stupidity to react to a comment I had left on the "unraveling of a DC shrink" (if you haven't read it, read it because I can personally tell you that every last word of that article is true!! He tried to tell me some stupid crap about how I was reckless with him,along with my wonderful thetapist, my boyfriend and my parents who all know what a complete mentally ill sociopath!!!

  2. Mr Salerian still thinks he's a Dr and a good one that....never heard some did I stay stay alive on all the ridiculous amounts of narcotics he brainwashed me into taking for 9 years, is a mystery to all of the dr's and people that Know what happened (all the physical and mental torture he made me go through) still be alive is a pure miracle!!! He actually had the stupidity to react to a comment I had left on the "unraveling of a DC shrink" (if you haven't read it, read it because I can personally tell you that every last word of that article is true!! He tried to tell me some stupid crap about how I was reckless with him,along with my wonderful thetapist, my boyfriend and my parents who all know what a complete mentally ill sociopath!!!
