Monday, June 29, 2015

never admit mistakes dr salerian poem image

Never Admit Mistakes

“We should never
Never ever
Admit mistakes”
My friend Giorgio
A Sicilian mule preaches
Born in that little village
Surrounded by vineyards
That's where
Exactly where
His kind father
A gentle mule received
Dozens and dozens
Mean lashes
Ripping skin some blood
All upon
Confession in confidence
Behind thick walls
“ Yes I did kick this short ape
Masquerading  doctor
Squeezing  my colonies”

Papa Georgio had barked
Cried and begged for mercy
The ape went on till….
Rumors of a bloodied vet
Pancaked and down
Engulfing entire village
 Rising anger
Waving whips and the wisdom
“Never admit wrongdoing”
Were born and inherited by
My friend George
Now a preacher
In that village

Not far from Washington
And that's why
 We would never admit
 JFK's death was an inside job

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