Wednesday, July 22, 2015

love is 4 musketeers dr salerian poem and image

Love is 4 musketeers 

“Trust loyalty dialogue and democracy
 Four musketeers
 Good friends of marriage
When they fade
Friendship is prey ”
My friend
A happy mule singing
All nightlong

“How about success or sex
What if one party fails”
I interject excitedly
“Dialogue and trust will heal”
Mr. Mule sings calmly
“And mulish behavior
Excuse me  humans could be stubborn”
I offer with a small voice
Grinding teeth Mr. Mule  is not amused
“You too Brutus
Such venom such prejudice”
“Stop avoiding by silly excuses” I yell
"You forgetting love
 No one could do without love “
Long silence then comes more silence
Before Mr. Mule begins laughing
And kept singing  with joy
“Love is 4 musketeers “
And we sing together
"Love is 4 musketeers "

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