Sunday, July 19, 2015

reality check dr salerian losses

                     Reality check:
A synopsis of major losses of  Salerian family, patients and associates inflicted by unconstitutional or criminal conduct by my government since 3/11/2011
                   Alen J Salerian MD

1.     Closure of office 17 people unemployed. (Unconstitutional without due process) .
2.     1200 PATIENTS forced to find a new doctor.
3.     7 premature deaths among patients. (References#1 and 2).
4.     5 premature deaths among associates and staff.
5.     168,000 dollars and three cars confiscated. (Unconstitutional).
6.     Drugging and incapacitating Dr. Salerian during the raid on March 3, 2011.(Criminal)
7.     Not allowing Dr. Salerian to have contact with attorneys(unconstitutional).
8.     Loss of medical license. (Unconstitutional and by criminal tactics)
9.     Bankruptcy
10. 300 JFK paintings confiscated and auctioned off.
11. Collapse of painting projects.
12. Three family members with stress-induced dysfunction
13. False imprisonment at FMC Butner for 4 months (unconstitutional).
14. Torture and rape at FMC Butner (unconstitutional and criminal)
15. Observation: none of the above could have happened without dirty tricks  and criminal methods by bad DEA apples WHO committed crimes to prosecute Dr Salerian.

1.Salerian AJ, Case studies of 17 patients. Journal of case reports and studies.2015 volume 2 issue 5

2. Salerian AJ, Discontinuation of opiate treatment: a retrospective review of 49 patients. Journal of psychology and clinical psychiatry 2015, 2 (4): 00083

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