Friday, February 22, 2019

When Will America Evolve?

When Will America Evolve?

  Is it possible to learn from our mistakes ? is it possible to learn  from how we fooled 380 million Americans that 20,000 doctors are drug dealers?

 How can  fiction become the reality  for  Washington Post, CBS  , the  Congress  and the president?
Washington has  adopted the  same NAZI strategies   perfected by  CIA and DEA.
   From outside everything looks perfectly justified.
Drug addicts and dealers are destroying  America.
 Drugs are as bad as Islamic  terrorists   .  That’s why we destroyed Iraq  by lying  about Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction .Also we  had to lie about Arab boys crashing jets to the World Trade centers for  Larry Silverstein to  make $ 4.5 billion  by  ordering the New York city fire department to pull  WTC 7 building down.
 We did execute  a  perfect controlled demolition and fooled  8 billion people that  a bunch of muslims killed  3500 New Yorkers.
   911 was  as spectacular as the moon  missions  that crumbled the evil Empire.  Of course Stanley Kubrick had to die for confessing he directed the Apollo moon movies.
 Can we learn from   our  mistakes?
  Can lies   stop evolution ? Can   lies  last forever ?
 When will our evolution begin?

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