Saturday, January 24, 2015

Criminalization of medicine: the downside

                                For Equal Rights For Physical And Mental Pain
        8409 Carlynn Dr. Bethesda, MD 20817     

Alen J Salerian MD
January 24, 2015

  We all wish to live in a crime free society. We all wish to reduce crime. We also appreciate that every action may trigger  an  action and this is also true for fighting drug trafficking in America.
  For some time our culture  made us  believe the illegal use of drugs is our number national priority. From elementary school to high school to college  we teach the dangers of drugs . And understandably healthcare providers have become very sensitized to the adverse influences of illegal use of drugs.
   Is it possible that our national obsession with prevention of substance abuse has harmed people with mental and physical pain? And who defends the rights of millions of Americans with chronic pain?
  Institute of Medicine says over hundred million people are victimized by chronic pain in America. CDC tells us some 40,000 people commit suicide annually.
    Who is defending the people with imperfect brains?
   And who suffers when the Department of Justice puts undercover agents in doctors offices?
And who is  victimized when a loving parent is imprisoned for smoking pot?
Or when a young male is incarcerated for years for selling Ritalin?
  Who suffers when we lock up thousands of pain doctors by flooding them with  DEA trained fake patients.
   We have reached a low point , where regardless of why or what reason, for every problem we face,” drugs” is the first blame . Doesn't matter what challenge. Whether it's death ,murder, suicide, homicide or insanity. Any abnormal act must first prove that it's not because of drugs.  Our blind obsession to blame every societal problem on drugs has decreased our  intelligence to find rational solutions for  many  societal menaces including the ravages of mental illness ,poverty or economic ills.

    The good news is our  man-made problem is fixable.Let us trust science and medicine. Keep policemen out of doctors offices.  And never forget Hippocrates.

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