Thursday, April 30, 2015

LET ME FREEMy passport please

       Doctors For Equal Rights For Physical And Mental Pain
        8409 Carlynn Dr. Bethesda, MD 20817     
       Founding members Siobhan Reynolds Kevin Byers Vanessa Mullin Alen J Salerian
Solange MacArthur

Let Me Free
ALEN J Salerian MD

Moses Jesus Mohammed and all the ancient Gods
Will you please
Let me be
Let me free
Let me say what I think
With no risk
Of hell on earth or in universe
May I exhale words
Ofensive to what you teach
Or what my government tells me
Here in America
Or in China
Or in distant stars I could barely see
Let me be
Let me speak my mind
Threats of Butner or Abington
I refuse to curtsy
My gigantic judge not my Lord
I have problems
To your infinite powers
Will you forgive me
Before they kill me
So I rest in peace


doctors victimized by flaws in DEATH certificates

       Doctors For Equal Rights For Physical And Mental Pain
        8409 Carlynn Dr. Bethesda, MD 20817     
       Founding members Siobhan Reynolds Kevin Byers Vanessa Mullin Alen J Salerian
Solange MacArthur

Doctors Victimized By Death Recording Flaws

  A minor flaw of data collection has been catastrophic for thousands of doctors falsely accused of contributing to sudden opiate related deaths.
  The minor error in data collection has been beautifully documented by Drs Webster and Dasgupta (pain medicine 2011;12: S 86 – S 92) yet it has NOT been corrected .
   How do I know? I have been one of the victims of false data collection. The DC Board of Medicine wrongly  concluded that I had caused the death of PK: due to a single erroneous autopsy report based upon false data collection and documentation. Blood levels of his methadone level was therapeutic and  not toxic.
  Just the mere presence of methadone in the system misled to the wrongful documentation of death due to methadone. Two independent consultations by national experts a cardiologist and a pathologist fully exonerated me  yet the truth did not matter.

  I warn all my colleagues practicing pain medicine of this flaw . BEWARE!!!!READ Drs Webster and Dasgupta.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Crime and punishment

Crime and Punishment
Rehan Saribay –Alen J Salerian

Mom not let baby brother
Eat a bagel
For not thanking the salesman
Thanking  mom

Crying out loud
Not enough
 For damage done
To the salesman

Mom said

am i a second class citizen?

       Doctors For Equal Rights For Physical And Mental Pain
        8409 Carlynn Dr. Bethesda, MD 20817     
       Founding members Siobhan Reynolds Kevin Byers Vanessa Mullin Alen J Salerian
Solange MacArthur

How Do I know I am Second-class Because I suffer From Mental Or Physical Pain?
Alen j Salerian MD

1.My doctor calls me drug seeker.
2. My therapist calls me borderline.
3. My pharmacist demands my drivers license.
4. My local policeman knows what medication I take for pain.
5. My psychotic brother is now diagnosed as homeless.

6. My mother is forced to attend daily methadone clinics to receive pain treatment for cancer.


                       Invitation- RSVP
              Salerian-Saleri ART Show
             May 16, 2015    10 AM TO 9 PM
              8409 Carlynn Dr Bethesda, MD 20817
Dear friend
Please come
Honor us
Bless us
Help us fly
Let us free
Let us Launch
A new beginning

   Discover, enjoy BUY own rare treasures by Picasso, Calder, SALERI and paintings by Salerian of JFK,Lincoln, Hrant Dink,MLK

RSVP only for 5pm -9pm by email

              OR telephone: 301-204-9004