Friday, April 10, 2015

Walter Scott, Apple iPhone, police shootings

                          Doctors For Equal Rights For Physical And Mental Pain
        8409 Carlynn Dr. Bethesda, MD 20817     
       Founding members Siobhan Reynolds Kevin Byers Vanessa Mullin Alen J Salerian
Solange MacArthur

Why did Walter Scott run away from police ?
Alen j Salerian MD
The images of Mr. Walter Scott, Charleston South Carolina running away from a policeman and getting shot multiple times have been national news.
 To ask why he ran away maybe  as important as the question about why the policeman killed him.
  The  two main categories of questions to be pursued are : Was he guilty of a crime or a wrongdoing? Was he innocent and fear or emotion driven because of psychological issues? 
Suppose he was guilty of a crime such as possessing a gun or illegal substances in his car. He ran to dissociate himself from crime scene evidence.
Or suppose he was unnerved temporarily acting irrationally because of psychiatric dysfunction. Many people phobic of police authority or interrogation may react irrationally under duress. Perhaps he was depressed and suicidal and wanted to get killed, a common dynamic for some victims of suicide who set themselves up to get killed.
  All of these examples have multiple sub groups and complex answers. These questions should not be confused with the behavior of the policeman. As an officer he is trained to be rational with irrational and unruly people .
  Our current dilemma is the psychological mind set and reason  have not been incorporated into the culture of law enforcement . Eye for an eye, shoot first ask questions later seems to be the predominant culture of ourlaw enforcement now becoming exposed thanks  to Apple iPhone technology.

  That's the good news.

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