Thursday, January 14, 2016

Our Amazing Ability To Generate Mass Delusions DR SALERIAN

                          Our Amazing Ability
                 To Generate Mass Delusions

§  Oswald killed JFK.

§  Saddam has weapons of mass destruction.

§  Muslim terrorists attacked the Pentagon on 9/11.

§  Muslim terrorists destroyed 3 World Trade Center Towers On 9/11.

§  Adam Lanza massacred 20 kids and  3 adults in Sandy Hook on December 14, 2012.

§  Prescription pain medications cause epidemics of heroine addiction and deaths from overdose.

                       Adverse Consequences
                  Of Man-Made Mass Delusions

§  The Vietnam war.
§  The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
§  Persecution of pain doctors.
§  Heightened fear anxiety loss of freedom.
§  Erosion of public trust. Astronomical losses : lives and $ for unnecessary wars.

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