Friday, January 15, 2016

Who Is Delusional? Prof. James Tracy,dr salerian

 Who Is Delusional?
Prof. James  Tracy
Or Millions Of Americans

    Why was Prof. James Tracy, a tenured university professor fired by his employer Florida Atlantic University for questioning the Sandy Hook massacre? And why has  professor Tracy  been vilified as “ a delusional conspiracy theorist “.
    A delusion is a fixed false belief.
    A mass delusion is a false belief shared by large number of people.
   A man-made mass delusion is a delusion engineered deliberately.
    Historically, humans have been vulnerable to mass delusions. For instance for roughly 1500 years most humans believed the earth was flat.
    When we study “Adam Lanza killed 20 kids and three adults” it becomes obvious that there are two possibilities.  Either professor Tracy, six other professors and six researchers who wrote “No one died in Sandy Hook” or millions of Americans who believe “ Adam Lanza massacred 20 kids and 3 adults “are delusional.
   Are Prof. Tracy and six other professors delusional?
§  There are compelling reasons to question the official account of Sandy Hook because of the refusal by the officials of State of Connecticut to make crucial information public. There is no national security concern. What can justify not releasing the autopsy reports, the death certificates etc?
§  The officials have not responded to serious questions raised by ” No one died in Sandy Hook”. Evidence is consistent with the reality that the school was closed for several years and December 14, 2012.
§  The FBI, the Social Security Administration and the state of Connecticut records indicate that no one died in Newton Connecticut on December 14, 2012.
§  There is indisputable evidence of photo engineering in several photos of Parker and Pozner families (figure 1).
§  The idea that “Adam Lanza a skinny autistic young man managed to massacre 20 kids and 3 adults by himself and  accomplish this without a single injured survivor “is a highly doubtful claim.
§  The alleged victim families have received large amounts of donations
§  An article on the web of Hartford Bee which appeared the day before the massacre with the school principal reporting the massacre!!!!!!!!!!! (figure 2).
Based upon the above this  information it is logical to conclude that neither Prof. Tracy nor the 12 co-authors of no one died in Sandy Hook is delusional.

     In essence millions of victims suffering from a mass delusion have fully incorporated the reality as Adam Lanza massacred 20 kids and three adults. Regular reinforcement by television, newspapers, the leading voices of the law enforcement and the president have solidified the mass delusion.
    It seems that the striking venom directed at the critical voices questioning the mass delusion mostly comes from the victims of the mass delusion. It seems equally obvious that the architects of the mass delusion and their assets who have been financially benefiting - receiving large amounts of donations-have become crucial influences attacking the critics.
  Our ability to generate mass delusions is a fascinating phenomenon worthy of scientific study. We Americans have lived with man-made delusions such as Oswald killed JFK or Saddam has weapons of mass destruction before Sandy Hook.
     The best news about Sandy Hook it has created the opportunity to carefully examine the facts and investigate  the possible crimes of some intelligent thieves and other political beneficiaries.


Fetzer J,Palacek M, No One Died In Sandy Hook,2016
Fetzer J, Murder in Dealey Plaza,Cat Free Press 2002
Salerian AJ, Man-Made Mass Delusions,( to be published soon International Forensic Journal).

Salerian A J, JFK: The Magnificent Journey,Salerian Books 2015

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