Thursday, January 14, 2016

Salerian 2nd letter to Susan Svrluga Washington Post From JFK to Sandy Hook

Second letter to Susan Svrluga
Washington Post
From JFK to Sandy Hook

January14, 2016

Dear Ms Svrluga

    I'm concerned . I fear because of your flawed article about Sandy Hook you may become a scapegoat. My concerns are based upon history.
  You are not responsible for our amazing ability to generate mass delusions. After several man-made mass delusions-Oswald killed JFK, Saddam has weapons of mass instruction, epidemics of heroine addiction and overdose deaths by prescription pain medications – many reporters or witnesses became scapegoats.
   Please prepare yourself not to become the fall guy .The best way  would be to learn more about our amazing ability to generate mass delusions. It's a fascinating and not adequately explored topic. I will be more than glad to assist you with your research. This is a sincere offer I'm not being sarcastic. Please explore this virgin  topic of” man-made mass delusions” not only for you but also for your fellow Americans.

Alen J Salerian MD

Phone: 301-204-9004


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