Sunday, January 10, 2016

Why To Whip Mother Theresa DR SALERIAN POEM

Why To Whip Mother Theresa

Your Honor
Am I second class?
Not upset
By my young doctor
Hinting I a drug seeker
Half sleepy all the time
Stung by my pharmacist
Inspecting drivers license
Then came the shock
The traffic ticket
Much more than a transient jolt
Spectacular scientific
My very meds on radar screen
Your Honor
I was not singing loud
Very loud
Why and why and why?
Neither mom nor cousin ever complain
Mom traveling hours
Methadone for cancer pain
Day after day
And my oldest cousin
A wounded vet
Damaged brain
Homeless they call him
Forgive me your honor
True I was wrong
Very wrong Your Honor
Acting like a wild beast
My insides caught fire
The policeman saying
My psychiatrist in prison
This is insane Your Honor
My shrink a saint
A mother Theresa
Why to whip a saint?
Yes your honor
I am a changed man
Will never say
What I feel
What I observe
I will have no opinion
Remain colorless elusive
Never forget
Who I am
I am a broken brain

Note: Thousands of pain physicians and psychiatrists  have been prosecuted by law enforcement tracking and disseminating mass confidential medication records instantly identifying drivers taking control substances. Special funds paid by tax dollars (H I D TA – high intensity drug trafficking area) have empowered local police to profile patients with mental illness.

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