Wednesday, February 10, 2016

5 Epidemics Of Mass Delusions

   5 Epidemics Of Mass Delusions

§   Sandy Hook massacre . No one died in Sandy Hook.
§   People with mental disorders are responsible for gun violence (Oswald killed JFK, Sirhan killed RFK, Lanza massacred 26 people). The alleged association between mental illness and gun violence has been broadcasted without scientific evidence.
§  Prescription painkillers cause epidemics of heroine addiction and deaths from overdose. Prescription painkillers do not lead to heroine addiction or increased deaths from overdose.
§  Heroine epidemic is devastating the country. Deaths from heroine are one tenth of deaths from suicide.
§  Muslim terrorists assaulted the Pentagon and destroyed three high-rises on 9/11. No plane struck the Pentagon. Pentagon was bombed. Seventh building collapsed without getting struck by an airplane and by controlled demolition planned in advance and therefore incompatible with the official explanation.

1.     Fetzer J Palcek M , No one died in Sandy Hook, October 2015.
2.     Salerian A J , An epidemic of  mass man-made delusions, Journal of psychology and clinical psychiatry, January 2016.
3.     Salerian A J , Human errors may explain  a false epidemic of heroine addiction and overdose deaths from prescription pain medications. Journal of psychology and clinical psychiatry, January 2016.

4.     Henshall I , 9011 revealed. Carroll and Graf publishers 2012.

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