Thursday, February 25, 2016

Why Are “The Sandy Hook Massacre Delusion” and “The War On Drugs “ Toxic For Evidence-Based Medicine?

   Why Are “The Sandy Hook Massacre Delusion” and “The War On Drugs “ Toxic For  Evidence-Based Medicine?

    The main victim of ”The Sandy Hook Massacre Delusion” and” the war on drug’ seems to be evidence-based medicine.
   Evidence-based medicine says criminalization of medicine is wrong and based upon false CDC statistics blaming prescription pain medications for epidemics of heroine addiction and overdose deaths.
   Evidence based medicine suggests the Sandy Hook massacre is a man-made mass delusion and stigmatizes people with mental illness as mass murderers.
    Ironically the main victims of both the Sandy Hook massacre delusion and the war on drugs have been people with mental and physical pain.

Fetzer JH Palacek M , No one died in Sandy Hook, October 2015.
Salerian AJ,Human errors may explain an epidemic of deaths from prescription pain medications. Journal of Psychology and Clinical Psychiatry, January 2016.
Saleran AJ, an epidemic of mass man-made delusions. Journal of Psychology And Clinical Psychiatry, January 2016.


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