Saturday, February 6, 2016

Autistic Children Vilified By Psychiatrists

Autistic Children Vilified By Psychiatrists

What happened to evidence-based medicine?
How can we explain the  vilification of children with autistic spectrum disorders by seven distinguished professors of psychiatry?
To be born with autism is bad luck. To be autistic and to be portrayed as a mass murderer by psychiatrists is a low point for American psychiatry.
These have been troubling times for people with autism ever since December 14, 2012 when a young autistic man allegedly massacred  20 children and six adults.
   Thanks to the  meticulous research by the authors of” No One Died in Sandy Hook ” – seven of them university professors – we now know that Sandy Hook  was a man made mass delusion  disseminated by main media. Of course it is sad for media to spread such absurd misrepresentations .But  mistakes happen.
   It is hard however to understand the complicity by six distinguished scholars who signed Gov. Malloy's document falsely blaming autism for mass murder.
      The world is laughing at us. Look at the French press. Professional actors masquerading as victims such as David Wheeler as Benjamin's father.

It's easy to blame the media. They are gifted minds with huge pens and giant microphones. But how can anyone excuse the seven professors who signed this grotesque document?

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