Saturday, October 11, 2014

August 27, 2014 letter to the New York Times

 public editor
 op ed submissions oped@
 the New York Times Company
 6 2o  Eigtth Ave., New York, NY 10018 – 1405

 August 27, 2014

  Dear Editor

      It may surprise you to receive a letter from a psychiatrist imprisoned at FMC Butner who is being  forensically evaluated for competency to stand trial.
    My circumstances are Kafkaesque but not fictional. Since May 28, 2014 when I was committed to Butner FMC I have had astonishing observations. They are troubling because they represent huge violations of human rights and abuses  of people with mental illness.
  FMC Butner practices  slave labor of innocent mentally ill humans awaiting trial. This is done by  coersive methods profoundly effective yet subtle and not easily detected. If mentally incompetent humans don't work they realize that their incarceration will last much longer. The wage for labor is 75 cents per day.
  What else? FMC Butner ,a federal psychiatric hospital routinely practices physical mental and sexual abuse to behaviorally condition the mentally ill to conform .
   These  statements may sound provocative but are consistent with  JCAHO– BHC  glossary and  definition of torture  title 18 USC A340.
 Universal precautions of health are not followed  at FMC Butner. there is no so or toilet paper in public bathrooms.
    FMC Butner  is an American Bedlam.
    I am ashamed to be a doctor and witness such atrocities against  mentally  ill.

 Aen J Salerian M.D.
 FMC Butner
 PO Box 1600
 Butner  NC 27509

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