Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Robert McDonald, Brian Williams, Lyndon Johnson Hitler presidential lies

                                Doctors For Equal Rights For Physical And Mental Pain
        8409 Carlynn Dr. to cause Bethesda, MD 20817     
       Founding members Siobhan Reynolds Kevin Byers Vanessa Mullin Alen J Salerian

When Presidents Lie People Suffer
Alen J Salerian MD
February 27, 2015

  The timing of our front-page news about lies by NBC anchorman Brian Williams and Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert MacDonald is perfect.  We have an opportunity to address a highly sensitive and at times unspeakable paradox  before upcoming presidential elections.
     When a high profile public figure embellishes his accomplishments we all loudly protest .This is  because of our national paradigm: In general we Americans view ourselves as honest and expect our public figures  not to lie.  
  And in general it does not matter whether a lie is little or big . Inconsequential or serious with profound national and international implications . Lies are lies, lies are bad .
    Here comes an unspeakable, unnerving paradox: Americans and America do not always share the same paradigm. This is true everywhere in the world. Turks and Turkey, Germans and Germany, Israel and Israelis do not always operate on the same paradigm .
     For instance, most Americans opposed the Vietnam war that killed  50,000 Americans and 1.5 million Vietnamese. President Lyndon Johnson declared war on Vietnam. The president  convinced America war was good for Americans. President Bush  misrepresented Saddam's weapons of mass destruction.
 The CDC director  misrepresented and declared a phantom epidemic of deaths from prescription pain medications. 20,000 American doctors were imprisoned in the last 10 years. Millions of Americans have suffered immensely.
   20th century witnessed  similarly painful clashes of paradigms and leadership lies .
  The powers in charge of Germany and the Ottoman Empire engineered the Armenian Genocide and the Holocaust. Should we blame  Germans or Turks for past horrors?  Should we blame Americans for Pres. Johnson's past failings?
        Here's the good news . All major man-made catastrophic events  have been the brainchild of  leadership lies.  The Armenian genocide came after the Ottoman leaders, Talat and Enver pashas branded the Armenian minority as parasites and a major threat to national security.
   30 years later Hitler said” who nowadays remember Armenians “and cleansed Germany of diverse menaces German Jews , gypsies and homosexuals .Lyndon Johnson preached the necessity to carpet bomb Vietnam to stop communism.
   Millions  had no meaningful input in the key decisions that made  grotesque man-made devastations possible in the 20th century.

   Let us not waste our time about high profile lies. With or without our paradoxical paradigms our democracy will depend on zero tolerance for presidential lies.

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