Steady Rise In Suicide Epidemic May Be Linked To The War On Drugs And Doctors
Alen J Salerian MD
§ Annual suicide rates have
increased in USA from 10.1 in 2000 12.9
to 2014.
§ Annual suicide rates have decreased
in major Western countries (Germany, England, Sweden) during the same period.
§ The suicide rate is expected
to decrease consistent with the advances in psychiatry and effective preventive
measures as observed in Europe.
§ Economic conditions and unemployment
figures have not been possibly contributory to the steady rise in suicide
§ The war on drugs and doctors
have impacted a large percentage of Americans vulnerable to suicide (people
with chronic pain and action) by dramatically reducing the accessibility and
availability of both treatments and physicians.
§ In the last three decades
some 24,000 doctors have been delicensed. Conservatively some 40,000 suicides
have been caused by the war on drugs and doctors .
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