Sunday, January 17, 2016

Adam Lanza And The Vilification And Ridicule Of Autism

Adam Lanza And The Vilification  And Ridicule Of  Autism

   Thanks to the scholarly work of 13 researchers-seven of them University professors-we are slowly discovering the massive and intelligent tricks involved in the generation of a man-made delusion: Adam Lanza an autistic young man massacred 20 children and three adults at the Sandy Hook Elementary school on December 14, 2012.
  The evidence presented by the authors of” No one died in Sandy Hook” is compelling but anybody with possible doubts should carefully review this book before just accepting what CBS, ABC and the Washington Post reported so far.
  As a psychiatrist I'm most concerned about the ridicule, the vilification of autism, a debilitating psychiatric illness that poisons the lives of millions.
   This is not a new pattern. Mentally ill have historically been targets of ridicule and vilification rooted in prejudice. We did this before with Oswald  emphasizing his supposedly sociopathic personality traits to falsely blame him as the mentally unstable lone assassin who killed JFK.
 The fact that some Connecticut state officials terrorized the public with  a staged event was a new low for our society.
   Creating Adam Lanza and ridiculing autism are grotesque and  should prompt public scrutiny.

 The fact that the vilification of autism is partly motivated by money- for a good many actors are getting rich through the donations now exceeding $26 million- is equally grotesque deserving urgent attention from the Department of Justice.

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