Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Dennis Lee opana eR DEA DSM

Am I wrong not to thank
Dennis Lee for providing care?

     Some of my novel  observations might have contributed to my imprisonment…….
    My government calls me paranoid for what I had said or written……….
     I say I may be wrong but why to declare me paranoid….. Let science  decide who is correct. One of us must be wrong.
      I said JFKs  Bethesda  Naval Hospital autopsy was invalid and LBJ and Mc George Bundy were partly responsible for the president's assassination.
       I said  Prof. Fetzer and other scholars are right that 9/11 was an inside job to promote war at the expense of American lives.
      I said DSM, the psychiatric diagnostic Bible is harmful and delays progress in psychiatry victimizing millions with brain disorders.
       I   said the war on drugs is silly, wasteful and profoundly harmful to millions of  disabled Americans who live with chronic pain. 20,000 doctors have been victimized by distorted CDCs statistics of a false alarm of a nonexisting epidemic of prescription pain medication overdose deaths.
        I said  senses and thoughts are energy particles produced by brain consistent Max Plank theory of radiation emission and physical laws of minimum energy,  quorum sensing and energy is matter matter is energy and Das psychologes biology biology psychology with no differentiation between brain and mind.

       I said ,I smell a rat when  Dennis Lee  of Abingdon Virginia declared me a Muslim threat destroying  South West Virginians , poisoning poor Virginians with OPANA ER and made arrangements for my psychiatric treatment.

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