Friday, March 13, 2015

FALSE ALARM from dennis lee dea cdc

                         Doctors For Equal Rights For Physical And Mental Pain
        8409 Carlynn Dr. Bethesda, MD 20817     
       Founding members Siobhan Reynolds Kevin Byers Vanessa Mullin Alen J Salerian
Solange MacArthur
      Pain Brain and Science

Pain: a brain message of bad news  about  a body part.

Statistics: pain and depression
Kill 100.000 Americans every year

116 million Americans with chronic pain (Institute of medicine report June 2012)

Silent complications of pain and depression

worsening pain and depression
brain atrophy
premature aging
premature dementia
premature death

Opiates (endorphins) pain and depression

endorphins regulate pain and mood.
opiates are neuroprotective.
opiates are not neurotoxic like cocaine PCP LSD alcohol tobacco.
long acting opiates methadone, intramuscular heroin, OxyContin, Opana ER are not abusable  .

False alarm by CDC and DEA

There is no  scientific evidence of an epidemic of prescription pain medication overdose deaths. 2  heroine deaths per hundred thousand population are insignificant versus 5 deaths from drowning or 5 .5 deaths from motorcycle accidents and 12 from suicide.

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