Monday, March 30, 2015

JFK lessons for high school students

                          Doctors For Equal Rights For Physical And Mental Pain
        8409 Carlynn Dr. Bethesda, MD 20817     
       Founding members Siobhan Reynolds Kevin Byers Vanessa Mullin Alen J Salerian
Solange MacArthur

 JFK lessons for high school students
Alen j Salerian MD

In 1963 it took six or more hours for the news to get printed and distributed.  New Zealand  is  18 hours  ahead of Texas .  This made it impossible for the news of the Presidents death and Oswald's guilt   to be published in New Zealand  at 7 AM, 6 hours before the actual tragedy.
The Christchurch Star which published the news also wrongly reported Mrs. Kennedy receiving yellow roses. This was the giveaway for the colors of the roses were changed to red in the last hours to spare the first lady from an accidental injury.
All of the above suggest highly sophisticated systems were involved. This was a big job executed with military precision.

The point is not to dwell on the negatives of our past but learn from our past errors. And  learning starts with sharing.
 Pres. Kennedy was declared dead
 1 PM  November 22,  1963 Dallas Texas
 7 AM November 23, 1963 Auckland New Zealand

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