Thursday, June 4, 2015

Madeleine Brown and LBJ and JFK

Madeleine  Brown and LBJ and JFK
                      Madeleine Brown and LBJ

 Madeleine Brown Pres. Johnson's girlfriend made headlines in British tabloids by claiming that LBJ knew in advance of Pres. Kennedy’s death. She repeated the same story many times. Her stories made waves but that's all…..
  Now comes an interesting document from NSO that seems to confirm what Ms. Brown stated half a century ago. A document circulated among the top government executives including LBJ the day before assassination declaring the  news of JFK getting shot. Eerily ,this is too reminiscent of Oliver Stone's movie and the reality that before the president died the news of his death were published in New Zealand. The president died at 1 PM Texas time  (7 AM New Zealand time) and by then the newspapers were giving the details of the assassination with more details about Oswald's background. The Christchurch newspaper article and this NSA document bring credibility to Madeleine Brown and her conviction that LBJ was an insider in JFK's death.

  Look at the documents and  decide whether to believe her or not.I thank Prof. Fetzer for his valuable contribution to this article.

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