Sunday, February 22, 2015

Catastrophic consequences of rumors PILL MILL DR TALIBAN

                           Doctors For Equal Rights For Physical And Mental Pain
        8409 Carlynn Dr. Bethesda, MD 20817     
       Founding members Siobhan Reynolds Kevin Byers Vanessa Mullin Alen J Salerian

False Rumors  And Catastrophic Consequences
Lorenz butterfly theory suggests initial minor errors could be catastrophic
Alen J Salerian MD
February 22, 2015

Collateral damage from Initial false rumors of Dr. Taliban  killing a young man and destroying Southwest Virginia: The Big Picture

A. Patients and Associates
       1.Death, suicide – Dr SM-philanthropist , board Member
        2.Death  bleeding ulcer Dr. John Mirczak associate
       3 Death airplane crash? Siobhan Reynolds-board member
       4  Death airplane crash?  Kevin Byers-atty. board member
       5 Death , suicide- Philip Pruix bookkeeper
       6  Death postsurgical- D S patient
       7  Death suicide- J N-patient
        8 Death suicide P M-patient
       9.DK, brutal beating false imprisonment – patient
      10.LM false imprisonment loss of custody of child – patient
      11.VM loss of custody of child – associate
B.Personal Financial
1.     Confiscation of 3 cars
2.     Confiscation of $ 168000
3.     Unauthorized auctioning of 300 paintings projected loss $300,000
4.     Closure of the Sumerian center business value $3 million
5.     Bankruptcy
6    Accrued debt $ 3 million for lawyers
C.Personal Psychological
1 Medically unnecessary for month-long psychiatric  hospitalization .
2. Unconstitutional imprisonment for  4 months.
3. Torture and abuse in prison.
4. Rape in prison.
5. Loss of passport and freedom to travel.
6. Mandatory monthly visits to pretrial officer
7 .Medically inappropriate monthly  drug testing .
D.Personal Professional
1 .Revocation of medical license with sham DEA engineered reports filed by DEA assets .
2. Defamation of personal integrity and character by Washingtonian, CVS , the World Bank, Rodman pharmacy Washington DC, Wikipedia.
E.Personal Medical
1Delay of diagnosis and treatment for aggressive cancer in prison.


The atrocities suffered by many came from minor initial errors and false rumors.  A minor error in the autopsy of Patrick Kennedy led to the revocation of  medical license and the closure of the center.  A false rumor of Dr. Salerian as a Muslim doctor spreading addiction and death led to criminal indictment, bankruptcy multiple deaths and more.

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